Why chickens took center stage in Oklahoma House debate

By Ronnie Walker

Rotisserie chickens have entered the mainstream political discourse in Oklahoma following a new bill to the House of Representatives. Rep. Emily Virgin (D-Norman) proposed eliminating the states’ 4.5% grocery sales tax on Feb. 9. Most recently, the bill unanimously advanced through the Senate Finance Committee on Feb. 15.

Photo of rotisserie chickens for sale, taken by Ronnie Walker

Students have likely heard about, or experienced for themselves, the rise in grocery costs in past years; this price hike is primarily the result of global supply chain issues. In response, the Oklahoma legislature has decided to remove the state's grocery sales tax in House Bill 3621, authored by Rep. Virgin. Soon, Oklahoma will join the majority of states that have abandoned this tax. 

Interestingly, rotisserie chickens became a topic of discussion on the House floor. It sounds absurd, but someone has to hammer out the details. Rotisserie chickens came into question under the larger category of prepared meals; if they go untaxed, restaurants gain a competitive advantage when they serve the same product. 

The bill passed the House Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Finance unanimously, following the passionate, fiery debate on rotisserie chickens. Virgin’s version of the bill phases out the tax incrementally over three years, winning bipartisan support over Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat (R-OKC)’s immediate elimination of the tax. 

It’s important to note that local municipalities can still charge their grocery tax rate. The bill’s bipartisan support makes its passing extremely likely. The various versions of the bill appeared just two days following Governor Stitt’s State of the State Address, in which he voiced his support for such a bill.

The fate of rotisserie chickens remains undecided, and Oklahomans will only be sure of this fate when the final bill becomes law. 


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