Club Sports in Owasso

By: Aidan Rodriguez

There are many popular sports in the school— from football to basketball to soccer. However, there are several sports within our school that don’t get a lot of recognition. For example, our school has bowling, lacrosse, and even two eSports teams. 

The bowling team meets around three times a week at the Lanes at Coffee Creek for practice. While there is no designated time schedule, these sessions tend to last around three to four hours. 

Image of Jordan Corbett

Image of Jordan Corbett

Jordan Corbett, a student on the bowing team, says, “It is HIGHLY recommended to join a league as well in order to get in extra practice and competitions, but that is more of a solo event.” 

The bowling team has grown massively this year, expanding to form a varsity team and a junior varsity team.

“Our youth league is on Monday evenings and there are several opportunities to gain scholarship money. It is a cheaper sport compared to many others. Bowling is very complex, but everyone is welcome; we even had beginners that made the varsity team, so it is possible to get ahead quickly with the right coaching and equipment,” Corbett encourages. 


Lacrosse is another sport possible through the school. It is a unique sport that derives from Native American culture and has become increasingly more popular in Oklahoma. The sport is played via stick and ball with 10 players on the field: 3 attack, 3 middies, 3 defenders, and one goalie. Lacrosse takes inspiration from several sports and is rapidly growing in Owasso, with the high school team gaining twenty new players this year. Varsity has their last home game at the Owasso Track on Sunday, March 8th at 2:00 against Deer Creek.


Image of Samuel Berry 

Image of Samuel Berry 

The eSports team is new to the school, but has grown throughout the year. They have two main teams: League of Legends and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. They are also interested in adding a Rocket League team and an Overwatch team.  

Samuel Berry, a member of the League of Legends team, says “We play in tournaments against other Oklahoma high schools. The club is also for people who don't want to play games competitively. While there is certainly the competitive aspect to what we do, we also want people who don't play video games competitively to feel like there is a club they can join to discuss what they enjoy doing with others.”


There will be a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament held in the PAC from 5-11 on March 13th. A $100 prize will be awarded to first place and a $25 prize to second. None of the Smash team players will be competing in the tournament, so everyone is encouraged to come and play. Even if you don’t want to compete, there will be other games available to play, so stop by to play some games and have fun! 

If you are interested in joining any of these teams:

Bowling- Go to the Lanes at Coffee Creek around 6 on Mondays

Lacrosse- contact 

eSports- Go to Mr. Jackson’s room at the West Campus or join the Discord with the code Drhs9yq (use your real name so they know who you are.) 



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